I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following.
Mahatma Gandhi
I have also seen children successfully surmounting the effects of an evil inheritance. That is due to purity being an inherent attribute of the soul.
Mahatma Gandhi
I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and Non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could.
Mahatma Gandhi
I have worshipped woman as the living embodiment of the spirit of service and sacrifice.
Mahatma Gandhi
I know, to banish anger altogether from one's breast is a difficult task. It cannot be achieved through pure personal effort. It can be done only by God's grace.
Mahatma Gandhi
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
Mahatma Gandhi
I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won't presume to probe into the faults of others.
Mahatma Gandhi
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.
Mahatma Gandhi
I reject any religious doctrine that does not appeal to reason and is in conflict with morality.
Mahatma Gandhi
I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.
Mahatma Gandhi
I will far rather see the race of man extinct than that we should become less than beasts by making the noblest of God's creation, woman, the object of our lust.
Mahatma Gandhi
I would heartily welcome the union of East and West provided it is not based on brute force.
Mahatma Gandhi
If co-operation is a duty, I hold that non-co-operation also under certain conditions is equally a duty.
Mahatma Gandhi
If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide.
Mahatma Gandhi
If patience is worth anything, it must endure to the end of time. And a living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm.
Mahatma Gandhi
If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.
Mahatma Gandhi
Imitation is the sincerest flattery.
Mahatma Gandhi
In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
Mahatma Gandhi
In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.
Mahatma Gandhi
In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
Mahatma Gandhi
Increase of material comforts, it may be generally laid down, does not in any way whatsoever conduce to moral growth.
Mahatma Gandhi
Infinite striving to be the best is man's duty; it is its own reward. Everything else is in God's hands.
Mahatma Gandhi
Interdependence is and ought to be as much the ideal of man as self-sufficiency. Man is a social being.
Mahatma Gandhi
Intolerance betrays want of faith in one's cause.
Mahatma Gandhi
Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.
Mahatma Gandhi
Is it not enough to know the evil to shun it? If not, we should be sincere enough to admit that we love evil too well to give it up.
Mahatma Gandhi
It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honoured by the humiliation of their fellow beings.
Mahatma Gandhi
It is any day better to stand erect with a broken and bandaged head then to crawl on one's belly, in order to be able to save one's head.
Mahatma Gandhi
It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence.
Mahatma Gandhi
It is easy enough to be friendly to one's friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business.
Mahatma Gandhi
It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.
Mahatma Gandhi
It is my own firm belief that the strength of the soul grows in proportion as you subdue the flesh.
Mahatma Gandhi
It is the quality of our work which will please God and not the quantity.
Mahatma Gandhi
It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.
Mahatma Gandhi
Just as a man would not cherish living in a body other than his own, so do nations not like to live under other nations, however noble and great the latter may be.
Mahatma Gandhi
Justice that love gives is a surrender, justice that law gives is a punishment.
Mahatma Gandhi
Let everyone try and find that as a result of daily prayer he adds something new to his life, something with which nothing can be compared.
Mahatma Gandhi
Let us all be brave enough to die the death of a martyr, but let no one lust for martyrdom.
Mahatma Gandhi
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Mahatma Gandhi
Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men.
Mahatma Gandhi
Man can never be a woman's equal in the spirit of selfless service with which nature has endowed her.
Mahatma Gandhi
Man falls from the pursuit of the ideal of plan living and high thinking the moment he wants to multiply his daily wants. Man's happiness really lies in contentment.
Mahatma Gandhi
Man lives freely only by his readiness to die, if need be, at the hands of his brother, never by killing him.
Mahatma Gandhi
Man should forget his anger before he lies down to sleep.
Mahatma Gandhi
Man's nature is not essentially evil. Brute nature has been know to yield to the influence of love. You must never despair of human nature.
Mahatma Gandhi
Measures must always in a progressive society be held superior to men, who are after all imperfect instruments, working for their fulfilment.
Mahatma Gandhi
Moral authority is never retained by any attempt to hold on to it. It comes without seeking and is retained without effort.
Mahatma Gandhi
Morality is contraband in war.
Mahatma Gandhi
Morality is the basis of things and truth is the substance of all morality.
Mahatma Gandhi
Morality which depends upon the helplessness of a man or woman has not much to recommend it. Morality is rooted in the purity of our hearts.
Mahatma Gandhi
My life is my message.
Mahatma Gandhi
My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. Non-violence is the means of realising Him.
Mahatma Gandhi
Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it.
Mahatma Gandhi
No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.
Mahatma Gandhi
Nobody can hurt me without my permission.
Mahatma Gandhi
Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.
Mahatma Gandhi
Non-violence and truth are inseparable and presuppose one another.
Mahatma Gandhi
Non-violence is not a garment to be put on and off at will. Its seat is in the heart, and it must be an inseparable part of our being.
Mahatma Gandhi
Non-violence is the article of faith.
Mahatma Gandhi
Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.
Mahatma Gandhi
Non-violence requires a double faith, faith in God and also faith in man.
Mahatma Gandhi
Non-violence, which is the quality of the heart, cannot come by an appeal to the brain.
Mahatma Gandhi
Nonviolence is the first article of my faith. It is also the last article of my creed.
Mahatma Gandhi
One's own religion is after all a matter between oneself and one's Maker and no one else's.
Mahatma Gandhi
Only he can take great resolves who has indomitable faith in God and has fear of God.
Mahatma Gandhi
Peace is its own reward.
Mahatma Gandhi
Poverty is the worst form of violence.
Mahatma Gandhi
Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.
Mahatma Gandhi
Prayer is a confession of one's own unworthiness and weakness.
Mahatma Gandhi
Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action.
Mahatma Gandhi
Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
Mahatma Gandhi
Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening.
Mahatma Gandhi
Providence has its appointed hour for everything. We cannot command results, we can only strive.
Mahatma Gandhi
Purity of personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up a sound education.
Mahatma Gandhi
Religion is a matter of the heart. No physical inconvenience can warrant abandonment of one's own religion.
Mahatma Gandhi
Religion is more than life. Remember that his own religion is the truest to every man even if it stands low in the scales of philosophical comparison.
Mahatma Gandhi
Rights that do not flow from duty well performed are not worth having.
Mahatma Gandhi
Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.
Mahatma Gandhi
Self-respect knows no considerations.
Mahatma Gandhi
Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served. But all other pleasures and possessions pale into nothingness before service which is rendered in a spirit of joy.
Mahatma Gandhi